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      Paper models scale calculator
Source scale visualization
Destination scale visualization
 1/  1/

Destination paper size:
210mm x 297mm
8.3" x 11.7"
Available paper formats:
A0 841mm x 1189mm | 33.1" x 46.8"
A1 594mm x 841mm | 23.4" x 33.1"
A2 420mm x 594mm | 16.5" x 23.4"
A3 297mm x 420mm | 11.7" x 16.5"
A4 210mm x 297mm | 8.3" x 11.7"
Legal 216mm x 356mm | 8.5" x 14"
Ledger (Tabloid) 279mm x 432mm | 11" x 17"
This calculator is designed for paper modelers who want to print a model in other than native (source) scale. If you want to print in other than original size you will need to change the Scale setting of your printer.

Make note, that changing the original size of the model also changes size of the sticking plains. We offer no warranty that the model with changed size will be comfortably buildable. In general, changing the scale slightly should not cause any problem, but radical change could make model unbuildable.

Set your source (original) scale, new destination scale and use the computed % value of this page to specify the scale in your PDF program. If you are changing to larger scale also have a look which paper sizes will the larged model fit (Destination paper size).
Read mode about model scales on wikipedia.

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