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modelartmodels by marekheinkel modelsbritrexlachezar dragostinovkampffliegerefrempaper models
 Example: bf 109
      Latest models
      Editor's choice
      Bundles %
      Discounted models %
      Free models
   BRANDS      ModelArt
      Models by Marek
      Heinkel Models
      Britrex Models
      Lachezar Dragostinov
      Der Kampfflieger
      EfremPaper Models
   SCALES      1/32 scale (1/33)
      1/48 scale (1/50)
      1/72 scale
      1/100 scale
      1/200 scale
   MODEL TYPES      Airplanes
      How to buy
      Special rewards
How to buy
Here is a quick guide on how to buy our models.
First browse through the CATALOGUE in the left menu of the website and add everything you want to buy to the SHOPPING CART.

When you are finished adding models, proceed to CHECKOUT from the shopping cart in the upper right corner of the website. To place the order we only require you to enter your e-mail address.

After that you will immediately be prompted to finish the purchase via PayPal. The prices are in EURO but PayPal automatically converts your currency. The models you have ordered will be sent as a download link to you on the e-mail you provided after a successful payment has been made.
Please keep in mind that the models are NOT received instantly. All orders and payments have to be verified by an administrator so it may take up to 24 business hours for you to receive your links.

We will not send any advertising or spam and will not share your information with any 3rd party.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me via the contact form or message me at our Facebook page. I'll do my best to assist you.
You didn't receive your purchased models?
For all the time this store has been operational, I've never failed to deliver purchased models.
There were only a couple of cases where clients did not receive their order and it turned out the e-mail was in their spam folder. So make sure to always check your spam folder if you can't find the ZarkovModels Order e-mail.
If for some reason you still can't find your models 24 hours after a successfull payment, the best thing to do is to contact me at the ZarkovModels Facebook Page.
You've had hardware problems and you lost your collection of models?
It's always a tough situation to lose your collection. Fortunately I keep records of all sales and you can request all models you've bought to be sent to you for download. You don't have to buy anything for a 2nd time. Again, I will do my best to assist you and provide the best service possible.
Kit corrections
It's rare but not impossible for there to be some visual error in one of our kits.
Whenever we spot such an error we issue a fix for that model.
Every time this occurs I will personally send the fixed page(s) to each and every client who has bought that kit to make sure everyone gets the corrected version.
Catalogue | Shopping cart | Scale calculator | Rewards | Publishing | Friends | Contact us | Facebook pageAll rights reserved © 2024 Zarkov Models